Bardejovský skanzen
Skanzen je najstaršou ukážkou ľudovej kultúry a architektúry svojho druhu na území Slovenka.Je jedným z prvých sprístupnených exteriérových múzeí.Ide o typickú ukážku drevenej architektúry Karpatského oblúka. Skanzen prešiel kompletnou rekonštrukciou v roku 2009.
.Nachádza sa tam zvonica z roku 1700,ktorá bola prenesená z Janoviec.Prírodne múzeum v Bardejovských Kúpeľoch sa pýši dreveným kostolom,ktorý je zasvätený Ochrane Presvätej Bohorodičky z roku 1730 a bol prenesený z obce Mikulášová v roku 1926.Nachádza sa tam aj drevený kostol zo Zboja,ktorý bol premiestnený v roku 1967.
Otváracie hodiny
Letná sezóna (1.5. -30.9.)
Summer season
Utorok - Nedeľa
9:30 - 12:00 / 12:30 - 16:30
Mimo sezóny
Out of season
Utorok - Nedeľa
9:30 12:00 / 12:30 - 16:30
Prajem príjemný ZÁŽITOK
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The "skanzen" is the oldest open-air museum of folk architecture in Slovakia. It is one of the first open-air museums made available. Typologically, it belongs to the wooden buildings of Carpathian type. In 2009, the open air museum undergone a complete restoration.
In the open -air museum in Bardejov Spa one can find the most valuable and oldest wooden timber churches of eastern rite from the 18th century that were transferred from the municipalities of Zboj and Mikulášová . The church in Mikulášová is dedicated to the Mother of God.There were also three important objects added – peasant houses from Bardejov and a belfry from Janovce which was built back in 1700.
The "skanzen" is the oldest open-air museum of folk architecture in Slovakia. It is one of the first open-air museums made available. Typologically, it belongs to the wooden buildings of Carpathian type. In 2009, the open air museum undergone a complete restoration.
In the open -air museum in Bardejov Spa one can find the most valuable and oldest wooden timber churches of eastern rite from the 18th century that were transferred from the municipalities of Zboj and Mikulášová . The church in Mikulášová is dedicated to the Mother of God.There were also three important objects added – peasant houses from Bardejov and a belfry from Janovce which was built back in 1700.
Have a pleasant experience
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